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  • Where do you get your protein from?
    Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or dietitian, I am just a foodie person sharing my experiences! It's important to mention that getting enough protein in isn't hard as people think! If you eat a variety of plant based foods, then you are going to get your protein needs satisfied. Everything you eat has some protein in it. I'm going to list some plant based protein sources: •tofu, tempeh, soy (soy milk for example but tofu and tempeh are made from soy too) •lentils, quinoa •beans such as chickpeas (garbanzo beans), black beans, edamame, cannellini beans, kidney beans, pinto beans etc •nuts and seeds (almonds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, ground flaxseeds) So to simplify it, this could mean a veggie stir fry with a crispy tofu served with lentils or rice; a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast topped with berries, 2 tbsp nut or seed butter; hummus or other bean dips; baked beans on toast.
  • What about vitamin B12?
    The simple answer is that B12 is an important vitamin for so many different things, like brain health and it also plays a part in your nervous system. It is recommended that both vegans and non-vegans take a B12 supplement. Please make sure you talk to your doctor first about it and get blood tests done so they can determine the right dosage. Once again disclaimer I'm not a nutritionist or dietitian!
  • Is honey vegan?
    Taking a closer look at how honey is produced might shock you. Vegans don't eat honey, because from an ethical point of view the honey industry is just as cruel as is the meat, dairy or egg. Bees are artificially inseminated, the queen bee will often have her wings chipped so she can be identified.
  • What's the plate method?
    I first heard about the plate method from Sadia at Pick up limes. It is a simple way to make sure you are getting in your fruits, veggies, greens, grains and plant based protein. Half of your plate is for veggies and fruits, grains on 1/4 and a source of plant based protein on the other 1/4 of your plate.
  • What does 'may contain' on a product's ingredients list mean?
    The ingredients listed after 'may contain' are there for people who have serious allergies. If you see dairy, eggs or any other animal by product listed as 'may contain' you don't have to worry, it just means that the company/manufacturer also works with those ingredients and it is only for potential cross-contamination, but those aren't actual ingredients of the product.
  • What about free range/backyard/cage free etc eggs?
    The reality is that 'free range' etc are only lables, the same cruel things are behind it. Male chicks are useless to the egg industry, they get ground up alive on their first day of life. The female chickens are still kept in those barns crowded, walking on top of each other and they often are made to grow so much in so little time that they either die and lay there without anyone looking at them/after them or they become unable to walk. Instead of being held in seperate cages they are kept in one big cage, it doesn't change anything. They still suffer unnecessarily.
  • Is all alcohol vegan?
    Not all alcohol is naturally vegan. Some alcoholic drinks aren't vegan because of the filtering process before bottling. There is an amazing website though, that is easy to use and it can help you decide which alcoholic drinks are vegan and which are not.
  • What is humane-washing and greenwashing?
    Greenwashing is a term usen when a company or industry is trying to give you the idea that ditching plastic straws, for example, makes them environmentally friendly. It is used to disctract and convince the consumers that it is okay to buy a company or industry's product. For example a chain fast-food restaurant like McDonald's won't become environmentally friendly just because they stopped using plastic starws, since they sell meat which is a huge cause to deforestation. Humane-washing is also similar, but instead of trying to convince you that their products are sustainable and good for the environment, they try to make you think that their products are 'ethical' and good for the animals they kill.
  • Is eating 'local meat' better?
    The thing is that local means nothing in terms of what happens to the animals. Local or not you as a human, don't need it to thrive and survive. It is still unethical, unnecessary and 'local' won't justify it. The environmental impact of it isn't better either!
  • What about gelatin?
    Gelatine is make from ground up animal skin, bones, tendons or even ligaments, therefore it's not vegan. However there is a vegan subsitute, it's called agar agar.
  • Why don't vegans consume dairy products?
    From an ethical point of view it is really horrible what mother cows go through just so people can have milk in their coffees and stuff. First of all, the fact that some humans think that the milk of another species is ours to take is really weird to me. Not your mom, not your milk, easy as that. Baby cows are taken away from their mothers and humans take the milk that baby is supposed to grow up drinking. Cows aren't milk machines they don't have milk unless they are pregnant or have just given birth, like us human animals. So in order for them to be profitable for the dairy industry, they are artificially impragnated which is basically rape. All this and i didn't even mention how badly cows on dairy farms are treated! Plus when the industry can no longer make profit from their milk, they get sent to slaughterhouses.
  • What's the difference between 'plant-based' and 'vegan'?
    People often don't use these 2 terms in the right context and meaning, but I find it important to mention and know the difference between them. Plant-based only refers to the food. I don't like to use the word diet, because I find diet-culture very toxic. If someone is plant-based it doesn't mean they are vegan. Being vegan means someone has made the ethical connection to the movement. It goes beyond just the food, including not buying skin care products, make-up etc that have been tested on animals or contain animal products, as well as leather or fur clothing and shoes. Not supporting zoos, circuses or anything else that uses animals for entertainment. Basically excluding everything that is an animal by product, things that have been tested on animals, cruelty and exploitatiton. Doing so to the best of your abilities and possibilities.
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