One of the reasons people choose to live a vegan lifestyle is because of it's huge positive impact on the planet. We all know by now that climate change is real, it's right in front of our eyes, but did you know that there are things you as an individual can do to reduce your carbon footprint? Little habits in your day to day life have an effect on the environment. I believe we all have to do our part in saving the planet!
A vegan lifestyle can massively lower your carbon footprint, because the meat industry is highly responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. Livestock animal farms take up a lot of land and it requires a lot of water to maintain, which obviously has a huge environmental cost. If you are someone who cares about the environment and if you advocate better lifestyle choices in order to save the planet, then you should start with meat because you can't eat meat and be an environmentalist. Those two go hand in hand. One doesn't work without the other. Sure, there are other things you can do to take care of the planet and live more sustainably, but the meat and dairy industry are the number one thing we need to change! A plant based diet and vegan lifestyle requires much less water to sustain than a carnivore lifestyle does. To produce 1 kg of beef 13-100 K liters of water is needed, but you only need 1-2 K liters of water to produce 1 kg of wheat. As well as the environmental impact of a vegan lifestyle, it can help reduce the chance and risk of developing a cancerous disease.
That said, there are plant based milks that still need a lot of water to produce. Almond milk for example, isn't the best option in terms of being environmentally friendly. However, plant based milks still use much less water than dairy milk does, plus there's no cruelty involved in the process. Oat milk is a great option, it's pretty affordable and it has a lower environmental impact. Compared to dairy milk, oat milk uses 60% less energy, it is responsible for 80% less greenhouse gas emissions and it also uses much less water to produce.
When it comes to palm oil, I know a lot of people are trying to avoid it. There is some misconception around the production and environmental impact of palm oil. People tend to think that all palm oil is bad, but that's not true. If you look at the ingredients list of sweets, for example, you will likely see palm oil listed on there. You don't have to avoid all palm oil. There are some logos that can inform you about whether the palm oil in that product is sustainably sourced or not. I thought all palm oil was bad for the planet for a while too, but I've recently learned some new and interesting things. (I'll leave some links about sustainable palm oil, if you are interested in reading about it more!) So overall, if you care about the environment and the future of our planet then you should know that a vegan lifestyle is the of the best things you can do. It is good for the planet, for yourself and your health as well as the animals. I believe you can't be an environmentalist and eat animals/meat at the same time.
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