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This Is Why Animal Testing Needs To End!

First I think it's important that we define and know the difference between vegan and cruelty free. A product being vegan doesn't mean that it is cruelty free at the same time. Vegan only refers to the ingredients, meaning that the product doesn't contain any animal products. Cruelty free means that the product wasn't tested on animals.

Now that we know the difference between the two terms, let's get into why using animals to test products on is cruel and unnecessary. Around 100 million animals are exploited and used in this horrible cycle. Most commonly mice, rats, guinea pigs, bunnies, chimpanzees, even dogs and cats. These animals suffer from some of the most horrible treatments and repetitive testing for cosmetic, household etc. products. This includes forcing chemicals down their throats, dipped into their eyes or put on their skin. Not using anesthetics during these horrible procedures is very common. Poisoning, electrical shocking and gassing isn't uncommon either. If you buy products from some of the biggest brands like: Nars, L'Oreal Paris, Mac etc. you are supporting them and allowing them to continue to put animals through unnecessary pain and suffering.

Why do I say that it is unnecessary to test on animals you might ask. All of this isn't necessary because what works on animals doesn't mean it's safe for humans and there were and are so many examples of this. For example if we look at medicine, 95% of the drugs that work on animals don't work on humans. Plus these animals are sentient beings they experience pain, suffering and stress too. Therefore looking at them as just test subjects is unethical and there is nothing that can justify putting them through this terrible cycle of suffering and then kill them. Just like with any other industry these animals end up being killed after a life of fear and stress.

Thankfully the EU, for example, along with many other countries have put an end to this practice, as they have banned animal testing as well as importing products that have been tested on animal. In some countries like China though any cosmetic product has to be tested on animals, which is very sad!

imagine from google

As a result of this continuous testing, the constant stress, fear and pain the animals involved often develop behavioral patterns like walking in circles, rocking back and forth, pulling their own fur out and even biting themselves.

So what can you do to stop this? Speaking up against this horrible cruelty and spreading awareness is very important as well as not supporting the brands that test their products on animals. If you buy a cosmetic or any other product that has been tested on these innocent animals you are showing that there is a need for it, creating demand, therefore saying that what they put the animals through is okay and acceptable. Essentially paying for cruelty.

Do you think testing on animals is ever justified? I would love to hear your opinions down in the comments!

Watch this to further educate yourself about the reality of animal testing:


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