By definition, veganism is against the use of animals for entertainment or any other form of exploitation for that matter. Let's explore why marine amusement parks are bad.
Dolphins, and other marine animals, are highly intelligent. Dolphins held in captivity very often show signs of stress, just like land animals who are held in zoos. They show sings of stress by swimming in endless circles in the concrete or glass pools that they're held in. Dolphins and other animals are forced to perform stupid and meaningless tricks. Why? For a piece of dead fish and for humans to clap at them as a reward. Most, if not all, of these marine parks put money and profit over the animals' needs. Of course, it's all about money. Now put yourself in their places. Would you like to be held captive between concrete walls, away from your family, friends, and natural habitat? Probably not.
Marine parks are also good at advertising themselves as a place that is trying to help animals. Which is just a humane-washing technique. Don't be fooled when then try to convince you. Nature does a much better job at that, than humans do when interfering. Just because we can be dominant over marine or land animals doesn't mean that we should or that it's morally right!
While I was researching about marine parks, I saw a lot of articles saying that animals held captive in marine parks are endangered species. So let's say they are, what good does breeding them in captivity do to their numbers outside of marine parks? It just simply does not have an effect on their species in the wild because there's no intention of ever letting these animals out.
What can you do? Avoid marine parks, stop supporting them with your money. Share this blog post with your friends and family.